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The Meditation Garden

Arrive a little early before your appointment, or stay a while after and enjoy a meditation in our meditation garden.

Use our wireless headphones connected to your smartphone, or bring your own.

Sit on the bench or on a meditation cushion provided. You may even want to use the foot massager located under the meditation bench.

Looking for something to do while stuck at home in Quarantine?

Join Hildur for online

Guided Mindfulness Meditation


Tuesdays at 12:30 pm

Wednesdays at 8:30 am

Thursdays at 12:30 pm

To register, email Hildur at

$15 per class

Special Corona Care Offer includes 10 classes for $100. 

$75 for 1 hour private session 

$40 for 30 minute private session

for meditation instruction or spiritual counseling by phone or Zoom.

  • Strengthen your mental/emotional capacity and flex your spiritual muscle with regular practice.

  • Learn how to set up your home practice while supported by daily habit building tips.

  • Mindfulness meditation helps cultivate resilience and promotes growth. 

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Choose from our list of meditations, music, and

mindful podcasts below

Each offering listed was carefully chosen by Hildur, our wonderful Mindfulness Meditation Instructor.

The shorter meditations are perfect for listening in our meditation garden.

The longer ones are provided for your enjoyment when you have a little more time. 


Check back often as we will update selections regularly.

Short Meditations

5 minute guided meditation to restart your day


5 minute guided mindfulness Meditation


5 minute guided meditation to reduce nervousness


10 minute guided meditation to reduce stress


15 minute guided meditation: Mindfully Heal Yourself From The Inside Out

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes. Ted talk with Andy Puddicombe, creator of Headspace

Jack Kornfield Meditations 

This link connects you to many of Jack Kornfied’s meditations on different topics. Most are 7-10 minutes long.

Traditional Buddhist teachers, guided meditations


Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche (15 minutes each)


Tsoknyi Rinpoche  Connection to different types of feelings (16 minutes)   (5 minutes)

Dr. Miles Neale - Insight Timer - Brief Visualisation For Self-Transformation (11 minutes)

Meditation demonstrating that what you focus on, you become. Select your ideal archetype (mentor figure) and use an inner therapy to become like them in this breif visualization based on the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.


Mindful Music


Tibetan Healing Sounds: Cleans the Aura and Space. Removes all negative energy


Energizing Jazz with Pat Metheny group


Relaxing Jazz with Pat Metheny: 

The Truth Will Always Be


Relaxing nature sounds, flute

Flauta indígena e Sons da Natureza - Acalmar e Relaxar a Mente


Serotonin Release - Alpha Waves for Serotonin & Endorphins - Binaural Beats - Meditation Music


417 Hz Healing music - Let go of mental blockages, Remove negative energy, Ancient Frequency music


Tibetan singing bowls | Body damage repair | 285hz | Deep Meditation | Heal body organs


Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Soothing Music for Meditation, Healing Therapy, Deep Sleeping


Longer Meditations

LET GO of Anxiety, Fear & Worries: Harmony, inner peace & emotional healing:

A guided meditation (23 minutes)

Does worrying drain your energy and take away your ability to be present and truly enjoy life? Do you want to stop the fear, the stress or anxiety that can build up from negative thinking?

Sharon Salzberg (20 minutes)

Quotes and Affirmations

Affirmations for Positive Thinking, Confidence And Success: Be your best self. (20 minutes)

~Rumi Quotes of Love and Life~

The Mindful Connection of Long Island

1991 Smith Street, Suite 200

Merrick, NY 11566


Contact us by visiting the "Meet Our Practitioners" page.

Phone numbers and emails are provided along with each professional's picture and bio. 

We are about * mindfulness mediation  * stress management strategies * holistic practitioners acupuncture functional medicine *

* find a psychologist near me * anxiety treatment

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